Women - News & Results
Refreshments Provided on the Night.
The above Competition will be run over 2 qualifying Nights and a subsequent Finals Night.
- First Night 18th February 2011 Qualifying
- Second Night 25th February 2011 Qualifying
- Third Night 4th March 2011 The Grand Final
16 Teams shall compete on each Qualifying Night. There shall be four groups of four teams.
(additional teams may be added to satisfy demand)
Each Team shall consist of 5 players(any combination) - £25 per Team
Each player shall have 9 putts- 3 from each of 3 designated distances.
The Team wilth the Highest Score wins that Match
2 Points for a Win, 1 Point for a Draw.
The Top 2 Teams from each Group shall qualify.
Each Team has a designated Captain. the Captain is responsible for organising his/her team and the respective Matches in their group.
If you wish to enter a Team please contact the Lady Captain or a member of Committee.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
The G Hacks are still the Team to beat. After two weeks of close competition the G Hacks have taken a commanding lead. They now have a grand total of 272pts and a lead of 24pts over their nearest rival.
Team Results Week 2
G Hacks 272pts
Eager Eagles 248pts
Orchard Maidens 245pts
Enigma Variations 243pts
Ladies Who Lunch 242pts
The Pin Seekers 233pts
Notable Scores
P Vallely 22pts
M Brady, T Mc Veigh, R Grimley, T Corrigan, U Cullinane, H Mc Laughlin & C Corrigan all on 21pts.
Please remember to put Team Name on your Card.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
We have had a superb entry for this years Spring Team Competition. Six Teams have entered and the competition shall be fierce.
After only one week the competition has been fierce and The G Hacks Captained by Geraldine Rafferty have taken a close lead with a grand total of 130pts. The Pin Seekers are in Second place on 129pts.The other four teams are closely grouped behind.
Best 7 Scores count per team each week and all six weeks scores count.
Please remember to also put your Team Name on your card.
Top Scorers in Week 1
Eileen Steenson 22pts. Fionnula Quinn 21pts & Kay Molloy 21pts.
Congratulations to Molly Conway who had a Hole In One on the 7th
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- Category: Women - News & Results
This annual event which is kindly sponsored by Ellens Traditional Fish & Chip Shop and Alan Rankin PGA Golf City will take place on Friday 18th February, Friday 25th February & Friday 4th March.
If you would like to enter a Team please contact the Lady Captain Barbara Gartland for further information.
Lists of the Teams and draws will be posted in the Club House nearer to the dates of the Competition.
Entry fee is £5 per individual and this includes a light supper.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Ladies - This is your first social event of the year.
The Lady Captain, Barbara and the Committee invite you to our annual Coffee Party on Friday 21st January at 7.00pm sharp in the Club House.
A Fork Supper will be served followed by a table quiz. The cover charge is £6 which includes a glass of wine and is to be paid at the door.
The Special General Meeting to elect two ladies to The Committee will be held,sharply, at 7.30PM in the Club House on the night of the Coffee Party preceding the Supper.
Refer to your Agenda which was posted to all members for a full list of the nominations.
Be sure to collect your voting slip on the way in.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Spring Team Competition 13th Jan to 23rd Feb
See Notice Board in Locker Room to find out your Team. Teams will be posted during the first week but anyone who has entered and paid for the competition may play as of the 13th January.
Best 7 scores per team to count each week. All 6 weeks to count for overall score.
Play as often as you like in one week and your best score will be recorded.
You must sign the "Intention To Play Book" for each card, and clearly mark your card , Spring Competition, Team Name, Week No & Card No.
PRIZES(subject to numbers entered)
1st & 2nd Team Prize
1st & 2nd Individual Prizes
In the event of inclement weather/course closure the Competition Committee will decide if that week's scores count
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Team Captains 2011
ILGU Inter Cllub Championships
Senior Cup Mrs Eileen Steenson
Junior Cup(8-15) Mrs Francis Davidson
Intermediate Cup(16-22) Mrs Una Cullinane
Minor Cup(23-29) Mrs Maura Mc Creesh
Challenge Cup(30-36) Mrs Eilish Grimes
Senior Foursomes(+/-14) Miss Paula Mc Crory
Junior Foursomes(15-30) Mrs Hilary Johnston
Miele Fourball Better Ball Mrs Ellen Brady
Cowdy(12+) Mrs Valerie Gordon
All Ireland Mixed Foursomes Mrs Valerie Gordon
Jack Craig Mixed Foursomes Mrs Valerie Gordon
If interested in playing on a Team please contact your relevant Team Captain or a member of the Ladies Committee.
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- Category: Women - News & Results

The money was raised on Lady Captain's day in July by members and friends of June and Noel in memory of their son David
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- Category: Women - News & Results