Twenty-six teams competed in the annual Marie Curie Classic at Co Armagh Golf Club on Thursday 6 June. 

The popular charity competition was once again very generously sponsored by Rice’s Supermarket, Keady and the format was 4 ball better ball.

The clubhouse was packed for prizegiving and Lady Captain Ellen Brady extended a warm welcome to fellow golfer, Phil Rice, Rice’s Supermarket, Keady and thanked her and Conlon for their long and loyal sponsorship.  The prizes were all beautiful hampers, containing an array of items, which have become synonymous with this competition.

Phil, aided by Lady Captain Ellen, presented the hampers to the prize-winners:

1st         Julie McCarten and Marie Tennyson      49 pts

2nd        Barbara Gartland and Lena Duffy           46 pts

3rd             Mary Knott and Theresa Campbell         45 pts

4th        Sheila Hughes and Toni McManus         45 pts

9 Hole Competition

Seventeen ladies entered the 9 hole competition which was won by Lynda Coyle with a fabulous 30 points.  Mary McElvanna was second with 20 pts and Augusta Jennings third, also with 20 pts.

Birdies and twos

There were birdies for Sheila Stinson at the 1st and Valerie Gordon at the 15th and twos were recorded by Vera Ellingham at the 3rd, Theresa Campbell at the 18th and Julie McCarten at the 3rd and 7th.

6 6 24 Marie Curie Classic
Back L-R: Mary McElvanna and Lynda Coyle
3rd row L-R: Theresa Campbell, Augusta Jennings and Lena Duffy
2nd row L-R: Mary Knott, Tony McManus and Sheila Hughes
Front L-R: Lady Captain Ellen Brady, Phil Rice, Rice’s Supermarket, Marie Tennyson and Julie McCarten