In stark contrast to the Spring Open earlier in the week the weather for the PGA Tankard Stableford competition on Thursday 16 May 2024 at Co Armagh Golf Club couldn’t have been much better. 

With the better weather over the previous few days preferred lies were restricted to closely mown areas only and there was lots of run on the ball if you found the fairway!

Fifty ladies played in the 18 hole competition and a further 15 in the 9 hole competition, which were both very generously sponsored by Club Professional, Will Carey. 

Lady Captain Ellen Brady extended sincere thanks to Will for his sponsorship of the competition.  

18 hole competition

The winner was Tara Grimley with 42 pts, beating Lynne Brown, also with 42 pts, into second place.  Patricia Hughes was third with 40 pts.

Tara has now qualified to represent Co Armagh in the Ulster final of the PGA Tankard later in the year, playing alongside the male qualifier and the Club Professional.

The remaining prize winners were:

Cat A – Maggie McKee               39 pts

Cat B – Teresa McVeigh             35 pts

Cat C – Moya Brady                    36 pts

Cat D – Anne Attwell                   35 pts (beating Sheila Stinson and Maggie Clarke on c/b)

Maggie Clarke won the Front 9 with 22 pts and Michelle Kinane won the Back 9 with 20 pts.

9 hole competition

Mary McIlvanna won the 9 hole competition with 20 pts and Augusta Jennings was second with 19 pts, beating Anne O’Hea on the countback.

Beginner’s competition

The winner of the Beginner’s Competition was Carol McMullan with 17 pts.

Birdies and twos

There were birdies for Teresa McVeigh at the 6th, Maggie McKee at the 8th and Emma Garrigan at the 16th.

Twos were recorded by Jacqueline Kelly at the 3rd, Lynne Brown at the 9th, Past Lady Captain Lily McMullan at the 11th, Paula McCrory at the 13th and Carmel Cassidy and Patricia Hughes at the 18th.
