Women - News & Results
The LINK CUP draw has been made and the sheet is on the notice board in the ladies locker room.
Please note that the 1st round of the cup must be completed by the 14th March.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
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- Category: Women - News & Results
This year's Putting Competition will be run on the following nights:-
1st Qualifying Night - 20th February 2nd Qualifying Night - 27th February Finals night - 6th March
16 Teams will compete each Qualifying night with the Top 8 Teams from both nights progressing to the Finals night.
Each Team has a designated Team Captain who will be responsible for organising his/her Team and the respective matches in their group.
Each Team will consist of 5 players (men/women/mixed) - cost £20 per Team
Each player will take 9 putts - 3 from each of 3 marked distances. The team with the highest score wins the match.
2 points for a win and 1 point for a draw. The top 2 teams from each group will qualify.
A list of the designated Team Captains is available on the notice boards in the club.
The draw will be made at the start of February.
The event is being organised by Barbara Gartland and the Ladies committee. If you wish to take part please contact any of the the Team Captains or Barbara. Refreshments will be provided on each night.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Daily Mail Foursomes Mrs Audrey Kellett
Mail on Sunday Mrs Hilary Johnston
Junior Cup (8-15) Mrs Sheila Hughes
Intermediate Cup (16-22) Mrs Eileen Fitzsimons
Minor League (23-29) Mrs Barbara Jenkins
Challenge Cup (30-36) Mrs Margaret Marjoram
Senior Foursomes (Scratch - 16) Mrs Barbara Hamilton
Junior Foursomes (17-30) Mrs Frances Davidson
Miele (19-46 combined) Miss Barbara Gartland
Cowdy (12+) Mrs Eileen Steenson
The Lady Captain would like to encourage all the ladies to get involved in playing for their club. As the ultimate goal is to win we need to try and put out our best teams. The decision on player selection will rest with the Team Captain and will be based on individual performance at the time and over the course of the season.
Good Luck to all our Team Captains and players.
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Despite the very cold frosty morning there was a great turn out of the Ladies on New Year's Day morning to play in the Lady Captain's drive-in 9 hole competition for 2009.
Later in the afternoon after a meal and hot toddy outgoing Lady Captain for 2008 Ronnie Toal handed over the reigns and badge of office to the new Lady Captain for 2009 - Mrs Flo McCall. Ronnie thanked everyone for their support throughout her very enjoyable year and wished Flo great success for this New Year. Flo, in turn, thanked Ronnie and all the members for their good wishes and support. She hoped all the members would have a wonderful 2009. Lady Captain Flo then presented the prizes for the 9 hole competition held that morning. Good scores were returned by some of the ladies who managed to find a way to play the tricky course. The ground was white with frost and putting proved very difficult on the frozen temporary greens. The outright winner with 23pts was Pauline Gingles. Runner up was Karen Edgar with 22pts who had the 1st Birdie of the new year at the 1st Hole, In third place also with 22pts was Barbara Devlin who beat Pauline Vallely, also with 22pts, on the countback.
Outgoing Lady Captain Ronnie Toal handing over the Badge of Office to Flo McCall - Lady Captain for 2009
Prize winners Lady Captain's Drive In New Year's Day - Karen Edgar (runner up), Lady Captain Flo McCall, Pauline Gingles (winner)
Ready for Golf - New Year's Day morning - Kay Molloy, Karen Edgar, new Lady Captain Flo McCall, Angela Corr, New Lady Vice Captain June Humphries
On the 1st Tee - New Year's Day morning - Rosemary McSorley, Geraldine Rafferty, Eileen Fitzimons
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Ladies - 1st Newsletter of 2009.
LADIES SUPPER PARTY - Friday 23rd January 2009 in the Golf Club. Fork Supper will be provided. Come along and meet up with all your Golfing friends and kick start the New Year. Time 7.45 - 8.00pm. Admission is £5 - pay at the door.
Entry sheet for the LINK CUP is now up in the Ladies Locker room. Entry fee is £3. Draw will be made at the Supper Party. If you wish to enter please do so by the 22nd Jan.
Spring Team Competition - 25th Jan - 8th March - played over 9 holes. Entry fee £2, each card 50p. Play as often as you wish each week and your best card will count. Teams of 5 or 6 (depending on numbers entering) will be drawn and posted on Saturday 24th Jan 2009. If you are interested in playing please enter your name on the relevant sheet in the Ladies Locker room. There will be an overall individual winner plus 1st and 2nd team winners.
Putting Competition - Dates, Fri 20th Feb, Fri 27th Feb and Fri 6th Mar. Teams of 5 - entry fee £3 per person. Contact Miss Barbara Gartland if you would like to enter a team.
Finally, the Lady Captain Flo is hoping to arrange Dance Aerobics to get all you Ladies fit for the new season ahead. Details will be given out at the supper party and also posted in the ladies locker room. All ladies will be very welcome so why not give it a go!
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Hi Ladies - This is the new web-site for 2009. Keep checking back for updates. Any news items for the Ladies Section please
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- Category: Women - News & Results