Forty-six ladies played in the Fox Cup and Culmore Shield stroke competitions which took place at Co Armagh Golf Club on Thursday 5 September.

The competitions were sponsored by Ol Flowers and Lady Captain Ellen Brady thanked Annette for her generous and continued support and invited her to present the beautiful floral prizes.

Fox Cup

The Fox Cup, for those with a playing handicap in the 0-27 range, was won by Colette McAleavey with nett 69.  Second, with nett 71, was Siobhan Donnelly and Anne Kinsella was third with nett 72, beating Maggie McKee on countback.

The front 9 was won by Maggie McKee with nett 31 and the back 9 by Denise Murphy with nett 37.

The Culmore Shield

Those with a playing handicap of 28 or greater played for the Culmore Shield, which was won by Karen Edgar with nett 73.  Gillian Wright was second with nett 77 and Lena Duffy third with nett 79, beating Aisling Ward on countback.

The front 9 was won by Joy Steenson with nett 36 and the back 9 by Gladys Villiers with nett 39.

9 Hole Competition

A further 16 people played in the 9 hole stableford competition which was won by Carmel Cassidy with 20 pts.

There were no birdies and the only two was recorded by Moya Brady at the 7th.

5 9 24 Fox and Culmore Photo 1
Back L-R: Denise Murphy, Gladys Villiers, Lena Duffy and Maggie McKee
Middle L-R: Carmel Cassidy, Joy Steenson and Siobhan Donnelly
Front L-R: Lady Captain Ellen Brady, Colette McAleavey, Karen Edgar and Annette Foster, Ol Flowers

5 9 24 Photo 2
Colette McAleavey, winner of the Fox Cup, pictured with Lady Captain Ellen Brady and Annette Foster, Ol Flowers

5 9 24 Photo 3
Karen Edgar, winner of the Culmore Shield, pictured with Lady Captain Ellen Brady and Annette Foster, Ol Flowers