The Ian Donaldson Stableford competition took place at Co Armagh on Thursday 27 June 2024 and the competition was sponsored by Traynor’s Parts.  Playing conditions were challenging for many of the forty-six lady competitors.

The competition was won by Anne Attwell with 40 pts, Ruth Black was second with 42 pts (<20 cards) and third was Lena Duffy with 38 pts.

Cat A    Past Lady Captain Lily McMullan              37 pts

Cat B    Teresa McVeigh                                       37 pts

Cat C    Flo McCall                                                 36 pts

Cat D    Joy Steenson                                             35 pts

Anne O’Reilly won the front 9 with 20 pts, beating Maggie McKee on countback and Barbara Gartland won the back 9, also with 20 pts.

9 hole competition

A further 16 ladies entered the 9 hole competition which was won by Lorraine Megaw with 20 pts.  Anne O’Hea was second with 17 pts, beating Rene Calvert, Gladys Villiers and Catherine Vernon on countback.

Beginner’s competition

The Beginner’s competition was won by Carmel Harney with 19 pts.

Birdies and Twos

There were birdies for Past Lady Captain Lily McMullan at the 5th, Helen Forster at the 15th and Flo McCall at the 17th.

Two were recorded by Paula McCrory at the 7th, Past Lady Captain Lily McMullan at the 11th and Anne Kinsella at the 18th.

27 5 24 Ian Donaldson Stableford 1
Back L-R: Flo McCall and Joy Steenson
3rd Row L-R: Lena Duffy, Teresa McVeigh and Anne O’Hea
2nd Row L-R: Lorraine Megaw, Past Lady Captain Lily McMullan, Anne O’Reilly
Front L-R: Ruth Black, Lady Captain Ellen Brady and Anne Attwell

27 5 24 Ian Donaldson Stableford 2
Lady Captain Ellen Brady presents Anne Attwell with the Ian Donaldson Cup