Fifty-five ladies played in the Centenary Trophy competition at Co Armagh Golf Club on Thursday 17 August, which was very generously sponsored by Mash Direct.

Lady Captain Lily McMullan warmly welcomed Tracy Hamilton, Mash Direct who presented the prizes to the winners.  The Hamilton Family of Mash Direct have been farming their fields for six generations and produce over 50 vegetable dishes, supplying local stores and supermarkets across the UK and Ireland and exporting further afield.

The winner of the Centenary Trophy, with a nett 69, was Bernie Rice.  Julie McCartan was second with nett 71. 

Lady Vice Captain Ellen Brady won the gross prize with gross 82 and in third place was Teresa McVeigh with nett 71.

The category winners were:

Cat A    Paula McCrory              nett 72 (beating Colette McSorley on the better back 9)

Cat B    Vera Ellingham             nett 76

Cat C   Phil Rice                       nett 74 (beating Tara Grimley on the better back 9)

Cat D   Anne McDonald            nett 78

Back 9 Colette McSorley          nett 36

Front 9 Maggie McKee              nett 33

9 Hole Stableford

A further 14 ladies played in the 9 hole competition which was won by Maggie Clarke with 15 points.  Gemma Rice was second with 14 pts, beating Doreen Lappin and Anne Cairns on the countback.

There were birdies for Bernie Rice at the 6th and 12th and for LVC Ellen Brady at the 17th.  Twos were recorded by Tara Grimley at the 7th and Mary Black at the 9th.

Centenary Trophy 1
Back L-R          Maggie McKee, Paula McCrory and Anne McDonald
Middle L-R        Colette McSorley, LVC Ellen Brady and Teresa McVeigh
Front L-R          Bernie Rice, Tracy Hamilton, Mash Direct and Lady Captain Lily McMullan

Centenary Trophy 2
The winner of the Centenary Trophy at Co Armagh Golf Club, Bernie Rice, pictured with Lady Captain Lily McMullan and Tracy Hamilton, Mash Direct