Fifty-eight ladies played in the May Medal on Thursday 25 May at Co Armagh Golf Club.  This year the competition was very generously sponsored by Nic Mic, represented at prize-giving by Michelle Boyd.

Lady Captain Lily McMullan extended a warm welcome to Michelle and thanked her and Nic Mic for the sponsorship of the competition.

18 Hole

Marie Tennyson was the winner with nett 68 and Mary Black second with nett 69.  Lady Vice Captain Ellen Brady won the gross prize with 82 and Bernie Rice was third with nett 69.

The category winners were:

Cat A    Emma Garrigan            nett 72

Cat B    Valerie Gordon              nett 72

Cat C   Anne Black                   nett 72

Cat D   Eilish Grimes                nett 75 (beating Gladys Villiers on better back 9)

The Back 9 was won by Maggie McKee with nett 36 and the Front 9 by Gladys Villiers with nett 30.

9 Hole

A further eighteen ladies competed in the 9 hole competition which was won by Rea Haughey with 21 points and Carina Oliver was second with 17 pts.

Birdies and Twos

There were birdies at the 4th for Bernie Rice, at the 6th for Michelle Kinane, at the 16th for Mary Black and at the 12th and 16th for Colette McSorley.

Twos were recorded by Margaret Marjoram at the 3rd, Gemma Rice at the 7th and June Humphries at the 11th and at the temporary 2nd for Mary Black and Lynne Brown.

Photo 1 May Medal
Back L-R:  Eilish Grimes and Valerie Gordon
Middle L-R: Bernie Rice and Lady Vice Captain Ellen Brady
Front L-R: Michelle Boyd, Nic Mic, Marie Tennyson and Lady Captain Lily McMullan

Photo 2 May Medal
Lady Captain Lily McMullan, Marie Tennyson and Michelle Boyd, Nic Mic pictured with a display of items created by Nic Mic