This year the qualifying rounds for the Putting Competition shall take place on Friday the 7th and 14 th of February. The Top 8 teams from each qualifying round shall go forward to the Final which shall be held on Friday the 28th . Matches shall commence at 7.29pm
Each team shall consist of 5 players who shall have 3 putts each from 3 different lengths. Team Captains are responsible for arranging teams. If you would like to enter a team and your name is not below please enter below and indicate which night you would prefer.
Name |
Night 7 th or 14th |
Name |
Night 7 th or 14th |
Mr President |
Mr Captain |
Lady Captain |
Mr Vice Captain |
Vice Lady Captain |
Past Captain |
Past Lady Captain |
G Mc Gowan |
B Mc Gurgan |
D Maxwell |
J Lowe |
J Leer |
B Mc Eneaney |
L Megaw |
Pat Collins |
D Mc Laughlin |
A Fagan |
C Shannon |
S Brady |
R Grimley |
R Haughey |
P Hughes |
Pink Ladies |
N Loye |
P Vallely |
T Mc Veigh |
F Quinn |
L Brown |
V Ellingham |
M Conway |
B Teahan |
A Kellett |
A Mc Donald |
G Steed |